I've never really found LinkedIn to be a useful social network, until I started looking for something specific - RPCVs (Returned Peace Corps Volunteers). And lo and behold, I found one who returned from Ethiopia this past Thanksgiving.
Earlier this week, we spent an hour and half talking. She's was so good about answering my questions and telling me about her experiences, but I was a little miffed and what she was telling me to prepare for. I asked about weather, people, culture, diet, to gain an understanding of what to expect and what to pack. But for every related question, the answer was some variation of 'i can't say'.
Thing is, Ethiopia is huge. Weather and diet and culture vary from region to region and town to town. The north is cold, the south is hot. Some places are meat fests, other are mainly vegetarian. Some places have cell phone coverage and paved roads, other don't.
What this means is that every PCV experience is different, even if you're in the same group and only a bus ride apart. My contact said everything she expected she didn't come across, so the best thing is to not expect anything and just go with the flow.
I'll all down for that, but it does make packing difficult. Should I bring rainboots or not? How many long sleeved shirt? How many t-shirts? I feel like I have to pack for for every possible situation, and have it weigh under 80lbs. And with a frying pan and other cooking supplies, not to mention books, included in that, I'll have to really think about what to bring.
After the GMATs, of course.
9 years ago