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Thursday, May 31, 2012

Getting Closer

Messy messy.
I have less than a week and so much to do.

One, finish packing.

Two, super clean out my room.

Three, finish typing hand written story so I don't have to bring the note books. (Probably not gonna happen. Nor will I be able to catch up on all the shows I would like to)

But I have done a few things. Like get my hair cut. It's going to be a lot easier in Ethiopia with short hair, so I chopped off lots and lots of inches. My head feels super light and it's weird not feeling my curls on the back of my neck.

As I'm sure you can tell, I'm not the most photogenic.
 It's so odd not having enough locks to pull back, but this should work.

1 comment:

  1. I've always liked you with shorter hair :) it suits you so well and your curls look awesome.
